I am in a crappy mood.
I just went to Post secrets and their visitor count is 44 million ahead of mine.
I know I am not posting artwork, or terrible secrets of strangers,
I know that there are no gratuitous flashes of body parts here.
Part of being a blogger is wanting to put something of your own out there for other people to experience. We want to be 'almost famous'. This post secret guy is doing it! he has two books and traveling shows and probably a cool place to live. ( mine is cool, YES. that is because I have not turned on the furnace yet. yuk yuk )
Enough already! I like postsecret.com and so do 44 million others. I am over it almost.
In cooking news:
Chicken in the pot for 'chicken zuppa' *
Chocolate cake on the counter from 'father-daughter' baking event.
Plum preserves on the top shelf from my ernest desire to 'out-Martha' Martha Stewart.
I am good at preserves, what can ( pun) I say?
* borrowing italian words from my last completed read:
I Know This Much is True,
Wally Lamb. I am so proud to have read all 897 pages by myself WITHOUT moving my lips!
from the kitchen window, I can see various birds feeding on the seed I spread on the back yard dirt. ( in drought country we call that water efficient landscaping, the Landlord calls it saving money.) One mourning dove was pecking at the dirt finding what she wanted. very alone, and very busy with getting her fill. later there will be dozens of brown cow birds, and sparrows. I cut up chicken for the soup, and cleaned a bit from the mess that results when I make when the cooking/ baking/canning bug hits me. hannah helped, which makes it so much more fun, and
asked; "Do you like making jam? is it sort of a hobby thing?" Yes - that and more! its taking summers abundance and
preserving it for the colder months ahead. It takes me all the way back to 1980 when I was still living in the family home on Allott Ave, and had custody of three fruit trees. I learned to can peaches out of neccessity, since there is only so much fruit you can eat or give away. I have worked on it these last five years and developed some skills, and made lots of sweet treats. Most recently, showing my daughter how its done, and that it is really uncomplicated, maybe the sweetest part of all.
After church, I am making eggplant casserole ( I it that for now since I have no recipe and never know what all is going into it) I'll let you know how it turns out.