Saturday, November 12, 2011

Ch ch ch changes

I should be used to change, by now, having been through a dozen or so since my separation and divorce which started in 1995 and was official in 1999 or 2000, (I don' t recall exactly when).
Of course before that were thousands of changes, and somehow I adapted to and even embraced them. I am glad for change, it prevents stagnation. Newness can come with increased possibilities, of course to get the something new, you have to leave some of the old behind. Maybe THAT is what I am having trouble with? So I have a newly empty house, and the freedom to keep it, and enjoy it as I see fit. It used to shelter my mother, but she has a better dwelling now. For the summer months it housed my son and his wife and my youngest, Hannah, while on break from college. Now its just me and the dog. I thank God for the dog, Scooter, as he takes me for walks, shows great interest in what I am cooking, and is always close by when its time for bed.
    Change now will include more writing time, more reading time, and plenty of steady work. One big change that I really enjoyed was taking to the high sierra and backpacking for most of a week. Living alone there was alright, because I was on a mission, to walk 60 miles over two passes and conquer Mt. Whitney. It is the highest in the lower 48 states at 14,496 feet above sea level, almost 2.8 miles high!  Much about me changed in readying for the hike and during that week. I lost fat, gained muscle and dropped 20 lbs in a month.  I also changed internally, and could hear God better in the quiet of the wilderness. I also talked to Him more, since I could not sleep well.  I guess I had plenty of time to talk to myself, and tried not to repeat myself too often with silliness like just put one foot in front of the other. On the final day I found a pair of phrases I needed and repeated them as I climbed up past 12 and even 13,000 feet. " I have everything I need"  was true in every sense, mental, physical and emotional. It is simply, my thanks for divine provision ( Jer 29:11)  The other phrase that came to mind was "Nothing hinders me"  and it became true, step by step as I managed to reach the trail junction at 13,400 feet where I could drop my pack. Now 40 lbs lighter, I knew for sure that nothing could hinder me from reaching the summit.   More about that later.  for now, I bless you with these words, "you have everything you need, and nothing hinders you"  Go and prove it to yourself.


jel said...

hey friend,
sounds like ya had a good hike.

thanks for stopping by the old blog, and comment. all most didn't know ya . with your hold name there.

take care !

Amrita said...

Gpd to read the summary about what you 've been throygh lately. God has a plan for all of our lives and He reveals it step by step.

Donetta said...

just thinking out you. I saw a partial deleted post in regards to pain of spirit.
Be Embraced in this that you are a child of the universe and you have a right to be here.
May your heart be found in comfort of kindness.

Covnitkepr1 said...

Just checking back to see if you have posted again.I’ve been following and enjoying your blog for a while now and would like to invite you to visit and perhaps follow me back. Sorry I took so long for the invitation