Friday, December 05, 2008

Heron, blue

I love these birds
so much of what they are is
just the opposite of me:
quiet, still waiting and watching
for the opportunity
knowing that God sends the
fish, or frog, or crayfish along
as sure as day follows night.
I stress and struggle
and jump the gun
run in circles
and wear myself out.

"Lord, make me more serene and willing to wait on you"
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Star said...

I don't think there is anyone who could not benefit from being a bit more patient. Thanks for stopping by Wednesay's Off.

mw said...

Hi David,

That's a good prayer, and realizing that the Herons have something to teach seems like a step towards an answer.

I appreciate that you talk through your struggles on your blog - I can identify with much of what you write.


(Here from NetChick M&G)

jel said...

YUP you said it!

Snaggle Tooth said...

Great shot!
We get them around here alot, but not this time of year- time to fly south...