Wednesday, January 11, 2006

meanderings of a twisted kind

I have my oldest son, Oren in my home tonight.
That makes me feel good.
I worked hard today, with the energy I was able to muster
and I continue healing from a bruise to my back from a fall
I took a week ago. I have a lot to do the rest of this week
and am so grateful for patient people who utilize my skills
and appreciate the results.
I am reading a good book on writing, and I just finished one by
Frank McCourt, Teacher Man - and excellent book.
I am inspired.
and exhausted.
Good night


Snaggle Tooth said...

I dunno, not fond of how-to's anymore, cause it seems the more original are lost in translation sometimes... I never did fit a mold...
Last On Writing I read was Steve King, who basically said what I already thought, write how you're gonna- anyways... then keep that copy for you n edit one for the company...

Fern Bourrie said...

It's hard for me to remember my dreams these days. A sign of old age, I guess, or too many kids. Here via Michele!