Friday, March 09, 2012

E is for Empty


Driving and looking at the gauge, not worrying, not doubting is easier said than done when the light is on and the next filling station is a ways down the road. Its a game I say, its all about numbers and pedal pressure and coasting where I can to get there. No matter that I need not ever really TEST this theory, that God has supplied enough cash for the next fill up.
 Is the risk of being OUT, of being stalled and stuck on the side of some road worth it?  Definitely not.  I am not in favor of the walk of shame with the gas can in my hand. I also suspect that running out too often may not be the best for some fuel systems, or for the other drivers that have to pass you by, some concerned, others oblivious as they talk and text their way to work or to their hair appointment.  The side of the road, motionless is not where a car belongs, it is a MOVING device, a motor set on wheels made for getting me somewhere quickly and efficiently.
 How is it that I understand all this and still play a game called ' how far'?  Much more serious to be sure is the game I could call 'running my spiritual tank on empty'.  There is no gauge, no meter but I still know what fills me up and how long its been since I had some spiritual fuel poured into my soul.  Church on Sundays is a drop, maybe just enough to get me to Monday and yet most weeks that was my major dose of truth, wisdom and direction. From there I would try to coast along, and sure enough, without refilling I will run out, run dry, sputter and S T O P.    too many weeks of repeating this and even the Sunday thimble full seems so inconsequential that I give that up too and become a stone with flats where the round moving things used to be. It takes a huge accident to get me thinking or talking about the Lord.  I focus on myself, how stuck I am  and how I wish there was a spiritual Auto Club to come to my rescue.

Now another way of looking at this: Empty is where we all started.
Empty is just a sign that the human condition is in need of it's completion in God.
The void in my heart was there and much more severe before I met my savior.
the fact that part of it remains is telling of the work that God will continue as long as I breath and walk upon this earth. My work, if that is what we call it, is to LET HIM BE and let Him work day by day and pour into my dark empty tank some of His divine light.


Betsy said...

Love this post! Happy to see you sharing it with a larger audience!

Snaggle Tooth said...

Great Metaphor-
But it would be better if we didn't keep running On Empty!
Wish I didn't have to look at the "Low Fuel" panel light ever because it's so distracting.

I never get my Tank filled up- only put a little in at a time.
Don't have 50 bux for a fill-up. I could compare this to Godly inspiration too.

Usually all I have to do to fill up with God's love for Creation is wirness another pretty sunset. For me it's always a very spiritual experience.

Amrita said...

Whoever tries to keep his life will lose it, and whoever loses his life will preserve

-Luke 17:33-34