Wednesday, December 10, 2008

my views

looking northeast
my kitchen windows have a shelf above for cook books

Looking Northwest
dual pane picture window 4'x 8' sees mostly Juniper tree
it should be nice when it snows
this is where the couch goes ( soon)

from the south, lo0oking across mom's deck
you see the whole enchilada,
hidden partly in the oak twigs.

last my shower stall befor I tile it ( i like curves!)

and the back wall tiled, before I hang the sink and set the toilet.

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jel said...

way cool!

ya will have to take some shots of the snow though that window , when it does snow ;)

Bobkat said...

I love all the trees that you are surrounded by :)

Snaggle Tooth said...

It's great to be surrounded by trees. Thanks for more pics. Good luck with all those tiles!