Here we are, fellow citizens,
Living in the greatest country on earth
Let not our pride in that fact cause us to fall
God made us great, and humility and justice will keep us great.
Think right, do right and be thankful you can write.
Please use commments for 'What makes America great?'
Thank you Jayleigh for the awesome picture of Kodiak,
the most beautiful face in the dog world!
Nicely worded...great pics...cute pup....friends are a blessing
Enjoy the day with your children......
find a hill,lay down under the night sky and marvel in the magic of fireworks....
give thanks for another day of living...
Mostly be Blessed
Great post, David! Happy 4th to you and God bless you.
Gorgeous photos.
Here from Michele's again
beautiful pictures!!! Happy Fourth of July!!
Awwwwww!!! My handsome fella!!! (The Dog, David!)
He is the most beautiful dog in the world, if I do say so myself.
But I also love the music, and the awesome sunset pics.
Happy 5th..... hehe and Happy late 4th!
Beautiful photos, David! I think the people of America make it great (although some are not with the program in that respect!!)
Thank you for the visits and the nice, nice comments. I appreciate them!
Wow what an awesome post...lovely pictures.
I think we are blessed to live in America! America is great because it is the land of plenty, it is beautifl and most importantly we have our FREEDOM!
Happy belated 4th of July!
That top one makes me want to cry.
Great pictures. That dog face is just wonderful!!Hope you had a great fourth. Here from Michele's tonight.
Beautiful Pictures!!
Michele says hi!
Great words, great pics. I especially loved your sunset.
Michele sent me today....you have a very nice site set up.
oops I forgot the sunset pic was sent to me by Bill gates ( as part of windows) it had no photog credit - so I assume its some Janitor working in the basement of Microsoft that took it.
I LOVE the photos!
Beautiful dog!
Here from Michelle's. Happy Weekend.
What makes this country great is that we can disagree on "what's right", you know? What you think is right may or may not be completely different than what I think is right..BUT, what makes America truly GREAT is that we can say all that and believe in the Bill of Rights and The Constitution that states we have "inaliable rights" given to us by our Founding Fathers! YEAH!!!
A Belated Happy Fourth To You David...LET FREEDOM RING!
Here from Michele tonight!
Hi there, nice shots. Here via Michele!
Each picture is more stunning than the next. My favourites are the first and last.
While shopping for birthday party presents, my daughter and I stopped to watch the sunset. The colour was very similar to your last picture.
I really didn't want to take her with me...but I am so glad I did. We got to share something beautiful.
Here via Michele!
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