Wednesday, September 09, 2009

thanks a bunch

My facebook page has been disabled
it took them ten days to even reply to my original complaint
and now another week later
they solve my problem, which I had already fixed,
By taking down my account.

So what?
I was just building a small prayer circle to pray for and help
individuals. Its harder to do that without my account...

But with God nothing shall be impossible


Amrita said...

Is it still disabled? I didn 't check. Can you start a new account? Send me a friend invitation once you get started.

Kathryn said...

My question, too. Can you start a new account?

jel said...

hi friend,

i had a FB account, but didn't keep it long

take care

Snaggle Tooth said...

Unbelievable! So much deleted work building the friends n all-
I hope they decide to give you a break n listen to you!