Thursday, January 15, 2009

A single, solitary, simple seed

one thought, one idea, one person

it has to come down to this
ONE is important

One man, my dad was such a powerful influence in my life that giving up my relationship with him would wound me for a long long time - and I just found that out this week.

One mistake leads to another and pretty soon the ONE person you should have protected is not, is damaged and in neglecting that sacred trust, you kill off a part of yourself. One person not born can change history, one young man's dream crushed can lead to a life of waste and want.

ONE CHANGE; recovery, repentance, surrender, whatever I call it it comes to this, for me, I gave up so much of myself trying to find myself. Now in yielding to my heavenly father, God, I am discovering more than who I am and what I am here to do, I am finding that I DO FIT in the big plan and I AM CAPABLE of taking my place in my family and in my community as a strong man. Once the blinders came off and the chains forged by years of willfulness and rebellion were cut away, the freedom that came to my limbs, my heart and my new mind is beyond putting into a few words. I am wanting to dance, my voice which grumbled for too long, now sings. My path, once a serpentine swirl strewn with wrecked dreams, now stretches far ahead toward a bright horizon.


OldLady Of The Hills said...

How very wonderful for you, David. Some people never come to this place....It sounds like there is a lot of Happiness in your life at this point! 2009...A Good Year!

Amrita said...

Praise the Lord for that wonderful testimony David.

I had turned my back to God and blamed Him for misfortune in my life but He drew me back with discipline and love.

Bobkat said...

What a wonderful enlightened insight you have had. I hope it serves you well :)

utenzi said...

Netchick sent me over to see you this chilly weekend, David.

Relationships are tough. Sometimes we let go too easy, other times we cling when we should flee. And far too often the clinging and fleeing are done in reverse to what we should do. It's no wonder so many people have problems. But the lucky few surpass the limitations they were born into...

Michael K. Althouse said...

That's beautiful. I can so relate... I do believe my experience has brought me to where I am and to where I am headed. All I need do is follow...

Tanya sent me,


Snaggle Tooth said...

The Father loves the prodical son even more than the son who never questioned what he asked for...

Carol said...

It wasn't until my dad recently passed away that I realised his life greatly inpacted mine. I so sadly miss him.. I got to say my good byes, shared thoughts with him.

I am glad you dropped by my blog/s although I haven't been posting too much lately, I hav my first grand child and she takes up most of my thoughts..

sage said...

Very good thoughts--this could be a "one meme" and you've captured some important truths for your life and also for the rest of us. I'm enjoying your slideshow--love the desert shots.

carmilevy said...

Beautifully said, my friend. As I figure out where I fit in this world, entries like this give me inspiration.