Saturday, January 31, 2009

Eagle, solar observatory, Heron, Mountains

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Pat said...

Lovely photos David and they embiggen beautifully. Oh those blue skies!
I hope your aches and pains have gone.
Try not to do so a hefty lot at once.
Netchick sent me - it's 6.31am here and I'm off to get breakfast. Have a nice day:)

Snaggle Tooth said...

I love looking at the constellations of the night sky. I've never gone to an observatory, that would be fun for me-
Nice bird pics, my cam doesn't get good zoom shots- even tho I see them near me with eyes, they're too small in my pics usually.
Happy February-

Bobkat said...

So many cool things to see while you paddle! I would love to see Eagles in the wild. They must be wonderful to watch!

We have Herons on a lake near where I live and I like to watch them fish.

Netchick sent me over to say hi this time :)

Thanks for your support during my recent health issue :)

Amrita said...

Fab pictures. Enjoy super bowl

mw said...

Wow David - I love the pictures. I go on raptor runs looking for shots just like the one you've taken of the eagle. Incredible!

Thank you. (Here from Tanya).

(and thank you for all the comments you've given - I really appreciate them)

utenzi said...

Netchick sent me!

I love the pictures, David. The eagle one must have been difficult to get in focus like that since I'm sure you were using a very long lens. Of course paddling pictures are always my favorites and that's a very nice looking lake for a kayaking trip.

David Edward said...

Thanks pat!
Snaggle and Dave, I use a "loaner" Sony 5.1 mp with a 12x zoom
mostly set on automatic
from a rocking kayak the long lens is
a bit hard to hold still
so I rely on cropping it in Picasa to get the zoom I want
BobKat, Yes it was so fun, and good healthy exercise, I am glad you are helthy, It is good to be alive

carmilevy said...

You have the coolest perspective on the planet. I need to get out on the water more often...and I appreciate the inspiration.

Hope you're well as the new week dawns. Sending good vibes your way from clear across the continent.

Anonymous said...

NetChick sent me, of course!

In the fall, I love going up to Squamish (north of Vancouver) to watch the eagles congregate to feed on the spawning salmon. So many eagles, all in one place, it's pretty incredible.

The world is a lovely place when you actually stop to appreciate it.


Andi said...

The water looks it?

David Edward said...

Bluest: it does appear coolish, since it is surrounded by snow and there may be ice on some shady inlets. It was badly frozen onlty three weeks ago, it has warmed to around 37F or 3C. Not for swimming!

jel said...

I like them !

have a cool day!

Russ said...

Nice kayak shot