Sunday, November 09, 2008

Cold - and snow

and a bit blustery up here

but I am glad for the slowdown
and for a chance to read some of your blogs
so please comment to let me know you were here.

i am fighting off a bit of a headache,
and some fatigue
but all in all
I am glad to be here


Anonymous said...

who, who, who? You, you, you.

It's been unseasonably warm here but today it felt more like November, time for chopping wood, cleaning out the cellar, and making another apple crisp.

Say hello, says Michele.

Amrita said...

Hi David.Thank you for visiting my blog. How did you come by it?

You have a great place.

Chris said...

I'm always here. The weather was definitely fall-like today. However, I do miss my longer and warmer days. How much longer before you're ready to move into the new place?

kenju said...

I'm sorry you don't feel well, David.

Rain Trueax said...

I read your blog and hope you are feeling better soon

Snaggle Tooth said...

I'm late! but catching up now-
Snow there already- not here yet, but chilly.