Thursday, November 22, 2007

i am so thankful

for my hearing
my sight
my sense of smell and taste

if you want to see Jennifer get her
new Cochlear Implant activated
( and weep with joy)

it is long at 9 min
but worth every second

culinary update
deep fried turcoonsqirmunk
a local favorite
Turkey, stuffed with racoon, wrapped around a squirrel, that has a chipmunk inside it.


Anonymous said...


I was only able to get about 3min of it, but what I saw was really amazing!

I love how she laughs at the way the technician sounds :-)

It gave me goosebumps to see the look on her face. Truly amazing!

OldLady Of The Hills said...

A Very Very Happy Thanksgiving to you David...!

I will check out That link!

Hope you have a wonderful wonderful day, my dear!

OldLady Of The Hills said...

That is quite FANTASTIC, David!
Hooray for this amazing implant...!

barbie2be said...

that is awesome!

michele sent me over to say happy thanksgiving!

Anonymous said...

Gobble, Gobble!

Hi, David - Thanks for pointing me to Jennifer's youtube. It's amazing!

Jennifer said...

David, thank you for passing along my good news! It was truly incredible!!! I have been given an incredible blessing...and it's even more joyful because I have friends that care and are supportive and happy for me!!

Anonymous said...

I had visited Jennifer before this. I will visit here now too in a while..

Suppose Michele sent me here to go her way!

Bobkat said...

Hope you had a good Thanksgiving.

Thanks for dropping by. I wasn't too bothered about being skipped, and hadn't even checked to see who had gone next. I like the visits I get, no doubt, but I play to visit others as well. There does seem to be an awful lot of skipping going on at the M&G lately though.

Dawn-Enigma Artist said...

Hi David, your T-Day Bird sounds a, er, a ... nice. :cough, hack, gag while nodding my head::

I'll check out Jennifer's blog and link!

Here via Michele

Susan Helene Gottfried said...

Okay, that's too many things to stick inside a turkey. And do people ANYwhere really eat raccoon?

Michele sent me. I gotta ponder this...

Russ said...

Sheesh David, sounds like you've had thanksgiving down here in Florida. The only thing left out is the possum gravy and the swamp cabbage!!
Hope you had a good one!

Terry said...

Dear David...The videos are just so beautiful
You know what? That Jennifer with her sweet face looks just like Princess Diana.
I am glad you told us about her David!...Terry

Anonymous said...

Hi David! Michelle sent me your way.

Umm.. I think I will pass on the turcoonsqirmunk. That is just a little too much for me to handle.

Anonymous said...

I suppose Michele sent here to look at the videos yet again.