Monday, October 29, 2007

just a thought

The Wildland Firefighter Foundation is helping fallen and injured firefighters in California and assisting firefighters who have lost their homes while serving to protect others.
Go here if you want to know what you can do to help.


Bobkat said...

That sounds like a great cause. I feel for these people who have battled to save other people's homes but lost their own.

Thanks for your kind comment on my blog. I admit that I am at one of the lowest ebbs of my life at the moment, but I know it will pass. I therefore have the hope and I am finding the strength, day by day to carry on. I hope that joy will be along the road somewhere. Thank you so much for your prayer. I appreciate it, I truly do.

Russ said...

Hi David. Thanks for sending me the link. I put you on my blog roll.
I'm a little intimate with the firefighting thing going on out there as I am in that industry. My company website is if you're interested.
Kayak's coming along nicely. I should be putting the mahogany on the topside deck this weekend.
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